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"WE ARE ALL ERRORISTS" - errare humanum est

First Declaration by the ERRORISTS

International Errorists

Concept and action are based on the idea that "error" is reality’s principle of order. 

is a philosophically erroneous position, a ritual of negation, a disorganised organisation: failure as perfection, error as appropriate move.

3.The field of action of "Errorism" contains all those practices that aim at the LIBERATION of the human being and language.

4. - Confusion and surprise - black humour and absurdity are the favourite tools of the "errorists".

5."lapses" and failed acts are an "errorist" delight

(extracts from the international errorists' manifest):

Errorism and Politics:

For "Errorism" POLITICS is LIFE

Errorism is  Re-EVOLUTIONARY, the practices r-evolutionize the search for autonomy and social self-sufficiency.

Capitalism is the most insidious error that has been successfully dissimulated


Errorism and Sexuality

In errorist lust eroticism is the key to the game of the love

We read what we must not. We touch what we cannot

Errorist LOVE is LOVE FREE of error

The errorists – we - claim masturbation as a possibility for autonomy and self-knowledge


Errorism and Language

Let's look at a clear example for the effect of applying errorism in an everyday life situation: someone writes using a PC and any text-editing program. These programs are designed to avoid "errors" by means of "proofreaders": if the word, the concept or the idea is not recognised, an alternative is immediately suggested. The suggestion indicates that we are committing an Error.

Take the example of the word "ERRORISM": the program does not recognise this word and suggests two other options (Terrorism – Eroticism)

This is an "errorist" example, since what we wanted to say was "errorism" or "errorist", but apparently it is an error since "errorism" does not exist.

But having assumed errorism as the existence of error as the base of everything, we discover that communication must be errorist. We therefore claim the metaphor as the favourite and most refined weapon for errorists. The new figure of "terrorism" is used to justify war, genocide and repression against the people. Terrorism is a concept, it creates an image which gives visibility to the offence of being "suspected of everything", and uniformly criminalizes non-western societies, the opponents of a regime, the poor, the others, foreigners in a generalising way.


Errosit & (T)errorist

In the so-called "Global War Against Terrorism" everything is allowed: devastating homes, despising religious worship, torturing and humiliating the "enemy".

Assassinating somebody for "the appearance of their face": shoot first, then see who it is, in order to create an image later.

An example of the errors we are opposed to is the recent case of the murder of an alleged "terrorist“ by "error" in the London underground. – "It was an error", said the policemen who assassinated the young Brazilian, to justify the death. A mix-up?

Then ... anyone can be a terrorist? WE ARE ALL ERRORISTS!

The Terror disseminated by mass media makes us part of the strategy of Global War. From week to week the mass media identify a new territory of war, a new potentially "dangerous" subject, whether it be the attacks that are carried out, the fear of those, or possible threats, we see ourselves confined to living in a world in a state of alert and paranoia.

An errorist action during the campaign against the presence of George Bush at the "Summit of the Americas " in the city of Mar del Plata – Argentina: the invasion took place on Friday, the 14th at the obelisk in Buenos Aires. Errorist cells and commando units appeared in the streets of the city, reading a communiqué and carrying out propaganda activities... for more pictures and comments see:


"WE ARE ALL ERRORISTS" - errare humanum est